I'm Brendan McAdams

I help founders, solopreneurs and startups get good at B2B sales.


Are you a startup founder, solopreneur or agency looking to accelerate your sales? Our 5 week Sales Sprint will get you ramped-up and effective.


Most startups fail because they don't generate revenue and/or acquire the right customers. I reduce risk for investors by accelerating sales and customer success.


Want to focus on sales fundamentals, raise your game, and pick up a few new skills? Sales Craft focuses on proven practices to become better at B2B sales.


Or we can schedule a chat.

We can talk about B2B sales, going solo, writing books, marketing strategy, being a podcast guest, working in the shop, baking bread, you name it.

Click the button below to schedule time.

This is Chet

He's a Jack Russell Terrier. Terrible at chasing rabbits but an ideal companion. Roughly the same IQ as my own.

Contact Us

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